
Treating the Toughest Cases of Depression and Brain Illness

Mood Disorders

Most people feel sad or irritable from time to time. They may say they’re in a bad mood. A mood disorder is different. It affects a person’s everyday emotional state. Nearly one in ten people aged 18 and older have mood disorders. These include depression and bipolar disorder (also called manic depression).


Types of Mood Disorders

  • Major depressive disorder — prolonged and persistent periods of extreme sadness
  • Bipolar disorder — also called manic depression or bipolar affective disorder, depression that includes alternating times of extreme sadness (depression) and extreme happiness (mania)
  • Cyclothymic disorder — a disorder that causes emotional ups and downs that are less extreme than bipolar disorder
  • Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) — a long-term (chronic) form of depression
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — a form of depression most often associated with fewer hours of daylight in the far northern and southern latitudes from late fall to early spring
  • Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder — a disorder of chronic, severe and persistent irritability in children that often includes frequent temper outbursts that are inconsistent with the child’s developmental age – in our clinic this is seen as a kind of “regulatory disorder of childhood” and probably related to “dysfunction of the limbic system”
  • Depression related to medical illness — a persistent depressed mood and a significant loss of pleasure in most or all activities that’s directly related to the physical effects of another medical condition
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder — mood changes and irritability that occur during the premenstrual phase of a woman’s cycle and go away with the onset of menses

Treatment for Mood Disorders

Mood disorders can increase a person’s risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. First-principle treatments include chemical manipulation (medication & supplements), psychotherapy, or a combination of both.

For about half of all people, mood disorders can be successfully treated with medications and talk therapy (psychotherapy). Unfortunately, treatment-resistance is very common. Treatment-resistant mood disorders can be approached by specialists with brain stimulation, specialty medications, or other novel neuropsychiatric interventions such as our patented process that we call “combination therapy”.

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