
Treating the Toughest Cases of Depression and Brain Illness

Anxiety and Depression During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted nearly everyone at this point, these circumstances are taking a toll not only on physical health but mental health as well. Dealing with social distancing and isolation is proving to be a serious secondary health issue. In particular, extroverted people are struggling with a lack of social contact, and maintaining a healthy mood can become difficult. Uncertainty of the future, financial stress, and worries about general health are all causing some people to slip into a state of anxiety and depression. However, there are many natural and medical ways to improve mood in these trying times.

Neurological Signs

Whether it is an increase in symptoms or newly onset depression, there are signs to look for. Some of these may include loneliness, lack of sleep, changes in eating habits, and anxiety about the health of others. Furthermore, we are seeing an increase in alcohol and tobacco use during this quarantine period. These substances are unhealthy coping mechanisms for what may be a deeper neurological disorder, worsening the condition. With all of this worldwide stress, it is important to deal with these mental health issues properly. At The Neuroscience Center, we will carefully diagnose your issue to find an effective treatment option. 

Physical Symptoms

Depression and anxiety don’t only affect the mind but the body as well. Mood disorders often carry physical symptoms that can make life routines difficult. Often while being constantly fatigued, some patients also endure muscular pain, headaches, vision problems, and irritable bowels. These secondary symptoms can further the frustration of dealing with depression, exacerbating the underlying issue. 

Handling COVID-19 Stress

We all handle stress in different ways, whether that means bottling it up or expressing it outwardly. During a time of physical and financial uncertainty, it is vital that we handle these emotions in a healthy manner. Try some of these ideas to help your mindstate during COVID-19

  • Limit Media Consumption
  • Keep a Regular Schedule
  • Meditate
  • Communicate with Friends and Family

Ketamine for Anxiety and Depression

There are many natural ways to fight depression but often times, professional medical care is necessary. Ketamine therapy has been revolutionizing the way we look at mental health. One, in its mode of action, which works differently than standard anti-depressants. Two, it has been shown to have rapid positive effects on many patients, which is imperative when suicidal thoughts are present. Three, the duration of time between treatments is few and far between, and after a full treatment regimen, many find relief for months. For these reasons, ketamine therapy is a modern alternative to treatment-resistant depression and we hope it can enrich your life. 

Let Us Help

If you feel like you are running out of options to regain your mental health, give us a call at 847-236-9310. Our team of highly skilled professionals will assess your situation and work to find a solution. There are options to get your life back and we would like to help you achieve that goal. 

Picture of Melanie


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