
Treating the Toughest Cases of Depression and Brain Illness

Learning to Ask for Help


Learning to ask for help when you truly need it, can be a difficult skill to acquire. Many of us, myself included, are often reluctant to ask. Regardless if we know we can’t accomplish whatever it may be on our own. 

This could be from self-shame, embarrassment, or pride. These emotions are hard to swallow and giving in can make you feel weak. Well, it shouldn’t, we are all human and would have never gotten to this point in humanity without each other. This is one of the factors that makes us humans. 

Asking for Help With Personal Problems

I recently ran into a problem in my personal life that was impossible for me to solve on my own. With my situation, I sat and stewed trying to think of every way possible to avoid asking for help. What happened? Nothing.

Eventually, I opened up to a friend and a family member who reminded me that people would be happy to help me with my issue. It was still an awkward initial question but once my family saw my problem in context, they were very supportive. 

Anonymous Help

I know not everyone has family or someone close. However, there are resources like The Neuroscience Center that cater to people’s emotional needs as a profession. Not to mention if the issue is something you would like to keep out of your personal life, anonymity is a plus. 

We value your privacy and work within all guidelines to ensure your narrative stays between you and our caring staff. 

When to Ask

If you feel like your mental health is declining for any reason, ask for help. Any emergency is an emergency. It doesn’t matter if it’s a heart attack or a panic attack. These are grounds to ask for help. No matter the psychological situation, there’s someone who wants to listen and someone experiencing a similar feeling out there. 

With modern technology and social programs, it is easier than ever to find an open ear. Sometimes just having someone to rant to will relieve stress. Society pushes “self-reliance” a bit too much in my opinion. There is no shame in seeking help from others in times of need. This is why we seek and build relationships and when you open up to someone they are likely to open up to you. 

How Do I Ask for Mental Health Help?

  • Reach out when you are ready to. You have to know yourself and your issue. If you are tentative about talking with family or friends. Try a help hotline like SAMHSA to speak with someone anonymously first if you need to. 
  • Don’t stigmatize yourself. Mood disorders are diseases and you should not look down upon yourself because of them. Simply recognize and work to find a solution, there are many ways to successfully cope with depressive disorders. 
  • Learn to tell people you’re not okay. We all seem to say we are doing well even when we are not. Without letting people you trust know the truth you won’t be able to receive the help you need. 

Talk to Us

This is what we are here for. We want to help you and listen to what’s going on with your mental health. We have a large staff of highly skilled and educated doctors and nurses that have made it their life’s goal to helping people. Give us a call at 847-236-9310 or fill out our form and we will reach out. No one should have to go it alone. 

Picture of Melanie


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